eHealth Expert

Dr. Achim Hein is an expert in the digitization of treatment services. He is the inventor of the first TeleTherapy approved in the standard care, a curative treatment procedure as well as a therapy system, which is prescribed like a digital therapeutic and billed as a classical therapy. Social insurance funds are actively supported in the policy development and quality assurance of e-health services, service providers in medical, technical and economic implementation and qualification. Telemedicine has the potential to bring benefits to all those involved in the health care system, for an improvement in the care of patients and the elderly.

International Experience

Over the past 20 years, he has been involved in more than 45 eHealth projects, commissioned to build a rehabilitation clinic in Kazakhstan and supported health insurances in maintaining the health of their insured at home

Read the detailed experience here


He is a Doctor of Electrical Engineering. In 1997, he received a promotion in the category of model-based systems theory. After lecturing at the University of Siegen, he switched to the industry. He is a writer/ an author and his book called ‘Processing of SAR Data’ was published by ‘Springer Verlag’. Author Guidelines for TeleTherapy: Curative (necessary and sufficient) supervision is the core element of service provision

Complete Vita
23.06.2024 Reappointed to the G-BA Innovation Committee pool of experts

Dr. Achim Hein has been reappointed to the G-BA Innovation Committee pool of experts. Linkedin Post

25.05.2022 Nomination to the G-BA expert pool

Inventor of TeleTherapy Dr. Achim Hein officially nominated as expert for the G-BA. Openpr

29.04.2021 Speaker VSOU-Digital Event

Participation in the panel discussion Digitalization of the Association of South German Orthopedic Surgeons and Trauma Surgeons e.V. Linkedin Post

12.01.2021 Article: pt - Journal for physiotherapists

Treatment from the chatbot. Digital health apps are no substitute for real therapy. A comment by Dr. Achim Hein. Issue 01/2021, title Treat head things right. Article pt

10.07.2020 Article: pt - Journal for physiotherapists

Apps are no substitute for a doctor or therapist. New media must not be an instrument to undermine therapeutic treatments. A comment by Dr. Achim Hein. Issue 07/2020, title EQ & KI IN HARMONIE. Article pt

28.05.2020 Online lecture Telemedicine Congress of Telemed Austria

Dr. Achim Hein: Link (Youtube). Best Practice: From project to regular care with remuneration for clinics, doctors, therapists – the #EvoCare method.

09.04.2020 Press report: Green light for TeleTherapy in Austria

EvoCare brings health home – crisis-proof in times of corona. APA-OTS Vienna

12.12.2019 Lecture Teletherapy Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

Degree program Speech Science and Phonetics: Sprechwissenschaften Universität Halle

27.06.2019 Lecturer for Tele and E-health in Austria

From the winter semester 19/20 lecturer for Tele and E-health at the IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems in the master’s programme Applied Health Sciences.

28.05.2019 Lecture Graz University of Applied Sciences

FH JOANNEUM University of Applied Sciences, Health Studies. Lecture Digitalization Healthcare, expert Dr. Hein. Details Linkedin

01.03.2019 Report Wiener Zeitung

Press report in the Wiener Zeitung GmbH – Telemedicine: The third pillar of the healthcare system. (Interview with Dr. Achim Hein, inventor of monitored teletherapy and the EvoCare treatment method). Wiener Zeitung

11.02.2019 Meeting German Society for Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery

Participation of Dr. Achim Hein* at the meeting of the working group Digitalization of the DGOU (German Society for Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery) in Berlin. White Paper Digitalization and mHealth / Apps. *Inventor of the first approved procedure for digitized treatment. Details Linkedin

17.12.2018 Thieme report

Thieme: Magazine Schlaf, issue 4. An established project for the digitized continuation of the treatment. Author: Dr. Achim Hein. (Reports on request)

13.12.2018 Telerehabilitation in Austria in the law

Telerehabilitation anchored in Austrian law! The EvoCare teletherapy was one of the pioneering pilot projects of the VAEB and the PVA. Press report APA 07.11.2018.

10.12.2018 Visit Bavarian State Ministry of Health and Care

Talks about the use of teletherapy in geriatric rehabilitation at home.

25.10.2018 Member AG Digitization DGOU

Dr. Achim Hein is a member of the Digitalization Working Group of the German Society for Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery (DGOU). Details Linkedin

11.10.2017 Nationwide recognition of tele-treatment procedures

Following successful recognition, the EvoCare procedure was recognized nationwide as an aftercare offer by‚ Deutsche Rentenversicherungen‘. Bundesweite Anerkennung

11.08.2017 Chinese delegation trip - Visit of German clinics

Export EvoCare TeleReha to China – clinics visited in Bavaria and Austria. (Contacts to China available, cooperation requests welcome). etails Linkedin

24.11.2016 German Bundestag

Invitation and visit to the German Bundestag: Dr. Hein was invited to talks about the approved telemedical EvoCare treatment in the Bundestag.

27.10.2015 Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy

Expert Workshop „Digital Health Management“ at the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy – Dr. Hein is representative of EvoCare Telemedicine.

06.02.2015 Economic Council

Dr. Hein is a member of the newly founded Federal Commission for Digital Health of the German Economic Council. Wirtschaftsrat

31.10.2014 Federal Minister Gröhe

Dr. Hein presents the EvoCare-TeleTherapie in the care of heart patients in the heart park Hardterwald Federal Health Minister Gröhe.

08.07.2013 First approval TeleTherapy

First approval for teletherapy from the Deutsche Rentenversicherung – initially limited regionally to Bavaria South. This approval opened up the possibility for other DRV, PKV, GKV and substitute insurers to expand their existing range of services. First approval for telemedicine


Electronic Health Services are the future,
we help you professionally to design them

Dr. Hein eHealth Expert
Office: +49 911 32 38 013
E-Mail: info(at)
